

The Application of Liquid Nitrogen Tanks in the Construction of Biobanks

Biobanks must be constructed strictly in accordance with standards, employing digitized management methods to create an intelligent biobank. Liquid nitrogen tanks play a crucial role in this process. These tanks are specialized devices designed for the storage and protection of biological samples. The fundamental principle involves utilizing the extremely low temperatures of liquid nitrogen to freeze and preserve biological samples, ensuring their long-term stability and usability.

The Application of Liquid Nitr1
Long-Term Preservation:

Liquid nitrogen tanks can provide extremely low temperatures, typically ranging from -150°C to -196°C, which is crucial for the long-term preservation of biological samples. The low temperatures slow down cellular activity and biochemical reactions, effectively preventing sample degradation and inactivation.


Cell and Tissue Cryopreservation:

Liquid nitrogen tanks find widespread application in the cryopreservation of cells and tissue samples. Cells and tissues can be stored for an extended period in a frozen state and thawed for use when needed. This is particularly valuable in fields such as research, clinical trials, and biomedical studies.


Genetic Resource Protection:

Many biobanks are dedicated to preserving and protecting the genetic resources of rare or endangered species, such as seeds, embryos, sperm, and DNA samples. Liquid nitrogen tanks provide ideal conditions for preserving these genetic resources, ensuring their usability for future research, conservation, and breeding improvements.


Drug Development:

Liquid nitrogen tanks play a crucial role in the drug development process. By freezing and storing cell lines, cell cultures, and other samples, they ensure stability and consistency throughout the drug development process.


Biomedical Research:

Liquid nitrogen tanks offer reliable sample storage facilities for biomedical research. Researchers can store biological samples such as blood, tissues, cells, and fluids in these tanks for future experiments and studies.


Liquid nitrogen tanks are an indispensable part of the construction of biobanks. They provide reliable freezing and preservation conditions to ensure the quality and usability of biological samples. This is crucial for research and applications in fields such as medicine, biology, agriculture, and environmental science.

 The Application of Liquid Nitr2

Post time: Dec-20-2023