

Surprising: Liquid Nitrogen Tanks Used for Preserving Expensive Seafood?

Many are familiar with liquid nitrogen's common usage in laboratories and hospitals for sample storage. However, its application in daily life is expanding, including its use in preserving expensive seafood for long-distance transportation.

Preserving seafood comes in various methods, such as those commonly seen in supermarkets, where seafood lies on ice without freezing over. However, this method results in shorter preservation time and is unsuitable for long-distance transportation.

In contrast, flash-freezing seafood with liquid nitrogen is a rapid and efficient freezing method that maximizes the freshness and nutritional value of the seafood.

This is because liquid nitrogen's extremely low temperature, reaching as low as -196 degrees Celsius, allows for rapid freezing of seafood, minimizing the formation of large ice crystals during freezing, which can cause unnecessary cell damage. It effectively preserves the taste and texture of the seafood.

The process of using liquid nitrogen to freeze seafood is straightforward. First, fresh seafood is selected, unwanted parts and impurities are removed, and it is thoroughly cleaned. Then, the seafood is placed in a sealed plastic bag, air is expelled, and the bag is compressed as much as possible. The bag is then placed into the liquid nitrogen tank, where it remains until the seafood is completely frozen and ready for later use.

For example, Shengjie's seafood liquid nitrogen storage tanks, used primarily for high-end seafood freezing, boast rapid cooling, long preservation time, low equipment investment and operating costs, zero energy consumption, no noise, minimal maintenance, preserving the seafood's original color, taste, and nutritional content.

Due to liquid nitrogen's extremely low temperature, strict safety measures must be taken when handling it to avoid direct contact with the skin or eyes, which could cause frostbite or other injuries.

While liquid nitrogen freezing offers many advantages, it's important to note that it may not be suitable for all types of seafood, as some may experience changes in taste and texture after freezing. Additionally, thorough heating is required before consuming liquid nitrogen-frozen seafood to ensure food safety.

Post time: Apr-02-2024